TeraMargin™ for Bio-Medical Application
Real-Time diagnostics product for accurate CANCER MARGIN DETECTION with AI enabled THz Imaging.
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TeraNIM™ for Industrial NDT Applications
India’s first & best TeraHertz Technology Solution Provider for Testing & Measurements.
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The Best NDT Solution for Composites
A customizable Non-Contact testing system for surface & sub-surface defects detection on FRP’s(CFRP & GFRP).
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Non-Invasive measurement for Pharma Tablets
Real-Time quality monitoring solution for drug production line.
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Accessories for Optical & Electrical Researchers
High precision accessories - Motorized stage, Lock-in Amplifier, Trans-impedance Amplifier, Function Generator and Optical Delay unit.
Learn MoreBio-Medical Application
Industrial NDT Applications
NDT Solution for Composites
Non-Invasive testing for Pharma
Optical & Electrical Researchers
India's First Terahertz Company

We, the TeraLumeners stand at the forefront of innovation with Terahertz Technology. Harnessing the power of Terahertz waves, we address the potential challenges faced in Bio-Medical, Industrial, and Scientific domains. Our collective expertise is rooted in a rich 36-year legacy, driving progress and pioneering solutions that resonate at the speed of light along with younger generation.
Our TeraLumener’s leaders have patents for following:

Compact Terahertz Systems

- Rapid Margin Detection
- Reagent free tissue imaging
- 1mm Margin Accuracy
- Non-Invasive Testing
Academic & Research

- Customizable Hardware & Software
- Advanced THz Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Wide range of Accessories

- Inbuilt camera
- Adaptive configurations
- Single hand operation
- User friendly Interface
What we offer

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- Technology and Methodology: Utilizing terahertz advanced techniques and innovate inspection methods.

Engineering Excellence
- Accuracy and Relevance: Our engineers are dedicated to deliver the most accurate and relevant analysis.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insightful report on defects detected.

Reliable Results
- Dependable Outcomes: Our track record of producing dependable results speaks for itself.
- Non-Destructive Testing: Entrust us with your non-destructive testing needs today.
Terahertz Technology’s Journey
These latest developments in Terahertz will allow to solve broad-range of challenges in Bio-Medical, Aerospace, Automotive, Defence, Energy, Pharma, Semiconductor, and Electronics.
To emphasize on this, we are conducting a workshop session with our Terahertz equipment. So, please visit us regulary.
Past Limitations :Terahertz technology was once deemed too impractical for commercial use in bio-medical, scientific, and industrial sectors.
Technological Breakthroughs :Recent advancements have revolutionized its applicability.
Computing Power :The advent of faster, more powerful computers.
Detection Sensitivity :The development of increasingly sensitive detectors.
Imaging Techniques :The introduction of patented imaging methods.
Check This Out
Case Studies

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Engineering Excellence
- ·Accuracy and Relevance: Our engineers are dedicated to delivering the most accurate and relevant analysis.
- Timely Reporting: Ensuring that reports are provided to our clients promptly

Engineering Excellence
- ·Accuracy and Relevance: Our engineers are dedicated to delivering the most accurate and relevant analysis.
- Timely Reporting: Ensuring that reports are provided to our clients promptly

Engineering Excellence
- ·Accuracy and Relevance: Our engineers are dedicated to delivering the most accurate and relevant analysis.
- Timely Reporting: Ensuring that reports are provided to our clients promptly

Reliable Results
- ·Dependable Outcomes: Our track record of producing dependable results speaks for itself.
- ·Non-Destructive Testing: Entrust us with your non-destructive testing needs today.

Reliable Results
- ·Dependable Outcomes: Our track record of producing dependable results speaks for itself.
- ·Non-Destructive Testing: Entrust us with your non-destructive testing needs today.

Reliable Results
- ·Dependable Outcomes: Our track record of producing dependable results speaks for itself.
- ·Non-Destructive Testing: Entrust us with your non-destructive testing needs today.

Reliable Results
- ·Dependable Outcomes: Our track record of producing dependable results speaks for itself.
- ·Non-Destructive Testing: Entrust us with your non-destructive testing needs today.

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Customer Collaboration
- Open Invitation: We invite our esteemed customers to engage in trials to overcome their specific challenges in dielectric (non-metallic) materials.
- ·Technology and Methodology: Utilizing advanced technologies and innovative inspection methods.
- Insightful Analysis: Providing comprehensive insights for defect detection requirements.

Engineering Excellence
- ·Accuracy and Relevance: Our engineers are dedicated to delivering the most accurate and relevant analysis.
- Timely Reporting: Ensuring that reports are provided to our clients promptly

Engineering Excellence
- ·Accuracy and Relevance: Our engineers are dedicated to delivering the most accurate and relevant analysis.
- Timely Reporting: Ensuring that reports are provided to our clients promptly

Engineering Excellence
- ·Accuracy and Relevance: Our engineers are dedicated to delivering the most accurate and relevant analysis.
- Timely Reporting: Ensuring that reports are provided to our clients promptly
Our Leaders
TeraLumen Solutions, with its roots firmly planted in Indian soil, is a beacon of global excellence as a provider of medical-grade Terahertz diagnostic products, industrial-grade Terahertz testing solutions, and research-grade THz systems for a diverse array of markets.
Events & News

BOOK-CHAPTER PUBLICATION: Journey Into Terahertz Radiation – Exploring the Invisible Frontier

TeraLumen’s financial playbook: Growth, transparency, and smart choices

Thanks for visiting us at ISNT NDE 2024

THANKS for making TeraNIM & TeraXplor Product Launch Event Successful
Our Awards

Get in touch with us
The head office
TeraLumen Solutions Pvt Ltd
20, Golden Jubliee Biotech Park for Women, Siruseri SIPCOT, 2nd Cross Street, 4th Main Road,OMR, Navalur, Chennai – 603103